Saturday, October 28, 2023

A BEAR-Y SCARY CAMPING TRIP // Listening Activities (Life Stories) - Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

Discussion Questions


Easy (Recall and Comprehend):


1. What is the story about?

-The story is about camping.

2. Where did the friends go camping?

-Utah Mountains.

3. What did the friends hear while they were roasting marshmallows?

-Rustling in the bushes.


Intermediate (Analyze and Interpret):


1. How did the friends react when they saw the moose?

-They quickly scrambled to their tents to play it safe.

2. What happened when the friends stumbled upon the grizzly bear?

-They ran as fast as they could.

3. What did Lisa suggest they do when they were trapped by the bear?

-She remembered the waterfall they had seen earlier and suggested the wacky idea of jumping off the cliff and into the pool below.


Advanced (Analyze and Interpret):


1. How can we balance our desire to explore the wilderness and experience nature with the need to protect and respect the habitats of wild animals?

-Just stop throwing your trash in their home. Have some dignity and don’t litter. Also leave the animals living in their habitats alone. You’re there just to experience nature and wilderness, not screw up the place they live in.

2. The characters in this story faced dangerous situations but ultimately found humor in their experience. How can humor and positivity help us cope with difficult situations?

-Sometimes in a life and death situation, humor is the only valuable thing one can have in order to cope with the fact that they are probably about to die. Humor can make those in dire situations alleviate their anxiety at their apparent mortality.

3. In what ways can the lessons learned from this camping trip be applied to other areas of life, such as in the workplace or personal relationships?

-Take risks if you can. It could be rewarding.

4. How does our exposure to nature and the outdoors affect our mental and emotional well-being?

-It affects us in a good way. When you’re stressed from working your job, sometimes all you need is a little bit of vacation of travelling outdoors and breathing the fresh air to remind us that life is worth living.

5. What role do cultural attitudes and values play in shaping our relationship with nature, and how can we promote more sustainable and respectful attitudes towards the environment?

-Our attitudes and cultural values such as our belief systems, including religious and spiritual alike, plays a role in our understanding of the environment. Some belief systems may emphasize total control over nature, while others may view nature as sacred and worth protecting. Understanding these worldviews can help bridge gaps and promote good attitude towards nature.




Pembelajaran B. Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

WEEK 5 - (28/10/2023)

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Unit 1: Towards advanced (HARD COURSES) - BBC Learning English

Unit 1: Towards advanced (HARD COURSES)


From top to bottom:


Session 1 = 5/5

Session 2 = 3/3

Session 3 = 5/5

Session 4 = a. 5/5 - b. 6/6

Session 5 = 6/6




Pembelajaran B. Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

WEEK 4 - (21/10/2023)

Saturday, October 14, 2023

TEST YOUR LEVEL - BBC Learning English

From top to bottom:


Intermediate = 12/15

Upper-Intermediate = 13/15

Advanced = 13/15




Pembelajaran B. Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

WEEK 3 - (14/10/2023)

Saturday, October 7, 2023



DAZE - unable to think clearly

FOAM - bubbles

AWE - a feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or surprise


PONY - a small type of horse

REIN - a long, thin piece of material, especially leather, that helps you to control and direct a horse


BOWS - to bend your head or body forward, especially as a way of showing someone respect

BIN - a container for waste

SCOPED - the range of a subject covered by a book, programme, discussion, class, etc

EAT - to put or take food into the mouth, chew it

WIFE - the woman that you are married to

QAT - another spelling of the word 'khat' which means "the leaves of an Arabian bush, also called khat, that are chewed or made into tea and contain a substance that acts as a stimulant"

AX - a tool consisting of a heavy iron or steel blade at the end of a long wooden handle, used for cutting wood

AERIE - the nest of an eagle or other large bird that eats meat, usually built in a high place that cannot be easily reached

CURIO - an unusual object

OUTGO - the amount of money that has to be spent

YEAH - synonym for the word yes

HI - used as an informal greeting

HEN - chicken (animal)

KNEEL - to go down into

TAUT - tight or completely stretched

GOLDS - some kind of metal

FOILS - metal sheets

VIM - energy and enthusiasm




Pembelajaran B. Inggris Berbantuan Komputer

WEEK 2 - (07/10/2023)